Exceptions are reactions to prohibited states of the program execution. The exception settings is defined in the Controller properties.
Stop When Exception |
Description |
If there is an exception, the program execution stops. In the System status tab it is displayed which exception appeared, and where. |
If there is an exception, the program keeps on running. The block output diplays the status according to the exception table: NaN - the value is not a number - Infinity + Infinity |
Exception catched in the System status:
Exceptions list
LN - natural logarithm
Inputs |
Outputs |
in = 0 |
-Infinity |
in < 0 |
NaN |
LOG - common logarithm
Inputs |
Outputs |
in = 0 |
-Infinity |
in < 0 |
NaN |
ASIN - Arc sinus
Inputs |
Outputs |
in < -1 |
NaN |
in > 1 |
NaN |
ACOS - Arc cosinus
Inputs |
Outputs |
in < -1 |
NaN |
in > 1 |
NaN |
ACOSH - Arc cosinus hyperbolicus
Inputs |
Outputs |
in < 1 |
NaN |
ATANH - Arc tangens hyperbolicus
Inputs |
Outputs |
in = -1 |
-Infinity |
in = 1 |
+Infinity |
in < -1 |
NaN |
in > 1 |
NaN |
SQRT - Square root
Inputs |
Outputs |
in < 0 |
NaN |
EXP,EXP10, and ** - powers
Inputs |
Outputs |
"in" is too large |
+Infinity/-Infinity |
DIV - division without using en/eno
Inputs |
Outputs |
0/0 |
NaN |
X/0 where X<0 |
-Infinity |
X/0 where X>0 |
+Infinity |
X/0 where both inputs are ANY_INT |
0 |
DIV - division using en/eno
Inputs |
Outputs |
X/0 |
result=0 eno=false |
MOD - modulo without using en/eno
Inputs |
Outputs |
X mod 0 where inputs are real |
NaN |
X mod 0 where inputs are ANY_INT |
0 |
MOD - modulo using en/eno
Inputs |
Outputs |
X mod 0 |
result=0 eno=false |
RD - read from variables
Invalid address or range always returns an area with zeros.
WR - write to variables
Invalid address or range results in no writing.
Indirect virtual method call
Invalid pointer or reference results in no call.
Read and write into memory
Reading or writing beyond the address space results in no action.